Thursday 13 September 2012

Even on a rainy day ......

.....this is a pretty magical place!!!!  We had quite a thunderous storm last night with a great downpour of rain and lightning flashing across the sky above the waterfront.  It was beautiful to watch but we had to close the shutters to keep the rain from blowing in.  Despite the storm we managed to sleep WELL PAST the breakfast hour and feel quite rested.  The proof will be in whether we are able to sleep tonight.

It is a rainy day in Trogir today.  Apparently the first real rain they have had in quite some time.  It promises to clear off by tomorrow afternoon, but the skies are quite socked in with cloud.  It hasn't dampened our spirits for exploring at all as we don't have a lot of time in Trogir before we board our boat on Saturday.  We  have gotten our bearings as to where along the harbour we will board and we have taken a leisurely stroll through the Old Town.  Tomorrow we move to a new hotel on the other side of the harbour - Hotel Concordia.  This was recommended by the tour company as it is very close to where the boat will be moored; however, if we had known how close everything is here we would have stayed here at the Villa Moretti.

The Villa is a very old manor house parceled off into holiday rooms with a long terrace running along the outside of the rooms.  Breakfast is served on the terrace (although we can't really comment on that having slept through that service this morning !).  Emilia, the owner, is a lovely woman -- young, friendly and ready to help with anything.  The room is large and spotlessly clean.  It outlooks directly onto the front street of the harbour which makes it a bit noisy -- although we sort of like that aspect of getting to hear the daily lives of people on the street and the busy activity of passersby.

Tonight we will be back in the Old Town for our dinner and perhaps we'll stop at an outdoor cafe for a nightcap and people watch.  This is a very busy place with lots of tourist groups.

Photos today around the harbour and Old Town.  The sailing ship photo is not our boat but we imagine it will be about the same size.  We haven't found the Kapetan Jure in harbour yet.

Looking forward to some sunshine tomorrow (which will greatly enhance the quality of any photo taking) .... stay tuned and Ciao from Croatia!
leaving port

all thumbs up for Ricardo

beautiful harbourfront

our home tomorrow

#4 Villa Moretti

breakfast on terrace

view from the terrace


  1. Great update and pictures... I think the magic has only just begun for the two of you; I am sure you will enjoy every moment. Hope you had a nice relaxing dinner and am sure you will have no trouble sleeping tonight!
    Lots of Luv!

  2. Hi Sis - great place - you would love it here! Had a nice supper and hopefully will get our internal clocks in gear tonight. Didn't get up until 2:30pm today but it does feel like night now. So, here's hoping........ Looking forward to everything that lies ahead. Love, Richard
