Monday 17 September 2012

Cetina Canyon - Biking and Rafting!!

Today was the day of all days!!  There is no telling what the kids will get up to when they are not at home.

First we sailed to a small village called Omis during breakfast--a wonderful hearty typically European spread of meats, cheeses, yoghurts, fruit, and delicious home-baked breads.  Packed with lots of nutrition for a jam-packed day of action.

Our destination today was the Cetina Canyon and the distance was shortened because of the option for the river rafting tour.  We started on the flat for about 7 km and then began a fabulous 5km switchback climb of  400m gain.  Constant climbing but a wonderful road -- the switchbacks seem to make it easier to keep climbing.  This was  followed by a 2km winding descent to the site of the rafting tour.  Our bikes and gear were packed in a van and ferried to the end point.  We rafted 10 km along the Cetina River paddling through Category 2 -2+ to 3 rapids.  The river is set in a deep canyon gorge.  It is 100 km total in length and empties out into the Adriatic Ocean at its end.  The setting is absolutely beautiful - high rocky cliffs, crystal clear waters and a spectacular clear blue sky.  What a wonderful day!! We had a fabulous guide for our raft and our passengers included a couple from Australia, Paul and Jennifer;  two women from Ontario, Kathy and Janet (travelling together to celebrate Janet‘s 50th birthday year) ;  R&L; Barb from Bern Switzerland and Von from the US.   We were a great crew and had a fantastic and fun time -- without losing one person to the river!!

We had a couple of stop points -- the first to swim in the river.  The water temperature there was 17 degrees.  It was pretty cold but was very refreshing on such a hot day.  The second stop was further on where the water temperature generally stayed at 8 degrees.  At this spot was some high rocks where you could jump into the river where the depth was 4m.  We watched a lot of people take the plunge but no one from our raft was interested in trying it out.

At the end of the tour there were photos to be purchased and  lunch after which we cycled about 7 km back to the boat. At 4:30 pm the boat sailed for the Island of Brac (our first island destination) to the town of Pucisca where we are docked for the night.  Brac is famous for its marble and all of the houses, streets, some light standards are all made of the local marble.  There is a large quarry on the Island.

This was just a tremendous day!  So fun -- and we are so happy we chose the rafting tour.  It was a great experience in amazing surroundings with really great people!  Just the best day we have had yet and look forward to more of the same.

Our dinner tonight was again delicious -- rice and beef salad followed by grilled sea bass, potatoes, zuchinni, salad, and homemade apple strudel.  The captain informed us that tomorrow we will have fresh tuna for our dinner!
Dinner was followed by a short lesson on the Croatian language for those interested lead by our tour guide Bruno.

So - lovely people - lots of fun - fabulous activities - great food and the most beautiful countryside and coastline.  Absolutely splendid place to be!!  So happy to be here in Croatia.

Dobar dan from Croatia.  So excited to be able to share some of this with those of you who are following.

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