Saturday 13 October 2012

We've Moved on to Freising

We got up early this morning to make the long drive ( 400 Km ) to Freising, which is just outside of Munich. We will spend today and tomorrow here before we head home Monday morning. We had to have the rental car back by noon so couldn't waste any time.You guessed it, the sky was clear for the first time in days as we left Gengenbach at 7 am. The drive was an experience, the German Autobahn is very much like a race track. Ricardo has become one of them. How fast is fast? We were going at times between 140 and 160 and were being passed like we were standing still. Have no idea how fast the fast cars were going but it must have been close to 200. Needless to say you really need to keep your eyes on the road. There where stretches under construction and down to 2 lanes. The lanes were narrow so it was interesting passing cars, but it had to be done. We can now say we did it. Arrived in Freising on time safe and sound. Louisa is still under the weather with a head cold. We were lucky and got into our hotel room right away. This allowed her to have a nap before we headed out to explore the city. Very much like some of the other German cities, except for some reason it seems to be high on bears. They have statues of them all around, which was neat to see. Tomorrow will be an easy day getting ready for the long trip home. Leave Munich at 10:35 am Monday and get home at 4 am Tuesday Germany time ( 7 pm Monday Vernon time ) Bears - what bears !!!!

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